Jon was one of the main people who first made me feel that I should do a PhD - when I was a third year undergraduate and he was my lecturer and tutor for attention. I have thrown away most of my undergraduate files over the years, but one of the things I have always kept was an essay of mine he marked, because the comments on it were so incisive and yet also positive and encouraging to me.
Jon Driver died suddenly on 28th November 2011. Jon was a wonderful individual; a loving son, husband, father and brother; and an irreplaceable friend and colleague.
This is a place for everyone who knew Jon to share our memories of him and through this to help celebrate his life.
If you would like to add a description of your memories of Jon to this blog please contact with the text you would like posted. We welcome any contribution, from short snippets to longer pieces. Please bear in mind this is a place to remember Jon and to help celebrate his life.
As well as this blog, there is also a photograph album to which friends and colleagues are most welcome to contribute. If you would like to add one or more pictures please email it/them to